
My Commitments to you, the potential or current customer. You will see time stamped updates with reasoning as times change and people change.

  1. Diligence Services will not participate in the act of “spamming” anyone on or off social media platforms or engage in predatory advertising. This will include:
    1. Paid advertising on social media
      1. I have previously experimented with and done less than 5 paid ad campaigns on Facebook.
    2. Releasing more frequent updates/posts than necessary to keep its followers informed.
  2. Influencer sponsored ads will not be entertained or sought. If my products appear in your favorite influencers video it is because they either purchased the product themselves with or without my knowledge or the product was sent to them free of charge with no strings attached. As with item number 1 it is my belief that organic and word of mouth is the best, most effective, and truest form of advertising one can aspire to. 
  3. Reviews will and have never been paid for. Reviews have and will never be asked for. Again, if the customer chooses of their own accord to leave a review whether positive or negative it is the best and most honest representation of my product that I can possibly share. 
  4. Products, packaging, and materials will be “Made in the USA” and comply with the FTC’s Made in USA Standard.  A list of materials and their sources by product can be found here for public scrutiny. There will be a special preference for products, and services based in New Hampshire, as that is where I live and grew up.
    1. Some products produced before January 1 2025 have been made using materials from other countries besides the US. 
  5. I’ll make it right, guarantee. Like any relationship between two people I believe that our exchange should also be an honest and fair one. If you feel that your exchange with me or Diligence Services has not been honest and fair then please reach out to me via so that I can fix it.